merits of Lisp vs Python

Wolfram Fenske int2k at
Sun Dec 10 21:02:41 EST 2006

Paul Rubin <> writes:

> "Wolfram Fenske" <int2k at> writes:
>> Yes, I wrote about it in another post.  It was introduced in Python
>> 2.5. And if it hadn't been I'd still have to write code like this.
> You could do something with decorators that's not too bad.  You'd end
> up writing:
>    @withConnection
>    def some_func():
>       do_whatever_stuff ()

Yes, now I can.  But I had to wait until Python 2.4 to be able to
that.  What I like so much about Lisp macros is that they allow me to
make these changes myself.

Wolfram Fenske

A: Yes.
>Q: Are you sure?
>>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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