Password, trust and user notification

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Wed Dec 13 19:35:32 EST 2006

At Wednesday 13/12/2006 20:45, placid wrote:

> > You DON'T need the password for the receiving account just to send him
> > an email!
> > And you don't even need that special Gmail library, smtplib should be
> > fine.
>Yes you dont need a password to receive email, but to access Gmail and
>send an email you do. Yes you do need the Gmail library to access Gmail
>because the script will run on a computer that doesnt have a smtp
>Is there other way's of notifying the user?

Use the standard SMTP class to connect to the destination SMTP server.
To determine the right server, issue a DNS request for MX records on 
the destination domain. (You may have to search for any suitable DNS 
module since none is available in the standard Python distribution).

If you are really too lazy and you *know* the destination will 
*always* be a gmail account and you don't bother if things go wrong 
tomorrow, these are some current MX records for
     Preference=5, Mail
     Preference=10, Mail
     Preference=10, Mail
     Preference=50, Mail
     Preference=50, Mail

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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