Is anyone using Python for embedded applications?

Carl J. Van Arsdall cvanarsdall at
Tue Dec 12 12:51:49 EST 2006

I'm aware of a couple python projects for embedded systems.  I am 
currently considering using Python on an embedded platform to develop a 
simple application as a personal project, mostly to see if it will 
work.  I was wondering if anyone here was using python for anything of 
that nature?  For those that are involved in these types of projects, 
how does development in python differ for embedded projects versus a 
non-embedded project?  Is there a community standard technique or style 
for this type of development (i.e. heavy in OO design? commonly used 
patterns?)  Are there any good tools to assist for this type of 
development environment? 

Oh, and if anyone has opinions/facts on why python should not be used in 
an embedded platform, I'd like to know that too.  I'm somewhat familiar 
with pythons needs on a system, but there are a number of things I am 
not aware of. 

Thanks to everyone for their input!



Carl J. Van Arsdall
cvanarsdall at
Build and Release

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