Why not just show the out-of-range index?

rurpy at yahoo.com rurpy at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 4 19:49:05 EST 2006

Robert Kern wrote:
> rurpy at yahoo.com wrote:
> > I saw no posts where there OP insulted anybody without being
> > insulted first.  It is ironic the Mr. Kern was the most consistent
> > insulter while at the same time accusing the OP of rudeness.
> As I said, insult is in the ear of the listener, so I apologize if anyone
> construed my comments as insults. However, facts are facts, and I stated them as
> I believe them. If you can pick out the precise comments that you felt were
> insulting, I will be happy to attempt clarifying them in a way that you do not
> find insulting.


As I explained in another post, "encouraging" someone to submit
a patch without a clue about the poster's abilities or resources
is offensive.

> "begging for a fix on comp.lang.python is ..."
I didn't see the OP "begging" for anything.

>"His suggestion that his time is worth more than that of anyone else..."
again (as the OP pointed out) no such claim was

> "and yes, you are being incredibly rude and insulting"
By responding in kind?  I thought he was quite restrained
given the provocation.

> "The way that you have been acting..."
Funny, I thought he was posting to c.l.p.  Sounds like
he is a petulant 6 year old child.

In virtually every one of your posts you said things that
I certainly would have been offended by.

> "You're also missing that *I'm trying to help you*"

I hope you understand that I'm trying to help *you*?

You don't need to bother clarifying, your meaning is clear.
It was the insulting tone you (and some others) expressed
that meaning in, while attacking the OP for being "rude"
that I found grossly unfair.

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