Pygame, mouse events and threads

Diez B. Roggisch deets at
Thu Aug 24 09:58:45 EDT 2006

jedi200581 at schrieb:
> Ben Sizer wrote:
>> jedi200581 at wrote:
>>> When I put the content of the run and input functions in the main
>>> thread, it's working, why not in the thread?
>> Because event handling needs to be done in the main thread. So does
>> rendering. This is a limitation of the underlying system.
>> As a general rule, try to keep all your PyGame functions in the main
>> thread and push your other processing into background threads, if you
>> really need them.
> Well, that is a limitation... And is it something that will be fixed or
> something that is inherent to pygame and not fixable?

I guess it is part of the SDL pygame sits upon. And I fail to see where 
that is a limitation. There can't be multiple event loops - only one. 
And if it has to be the main thread, do whatever you wanted to do there, 
and whatever your main thread was supposed to do is run in a separate 


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