a question about my script

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Aug 29 03:26:57 EDT 2006

At Tuesday 29/8/2006 03:55, alper soyler wrote:

>I am trying to get some files from an ftp site by ftplib module and 
>I wrote the below script. However I have a problem. With my script, 
>I login to ftp.genome.jp site. then, I am changing the directory to 
>pub/kegg/genomes/afm and I am downloading "a.fumigatus.pep" file. 
>However, what I want is to connect pub/kegg/genomes directory and in 
>this directory there are 3 letters name files

3 letters *files*? or 3 letters *directories*?

>e.g. 'afm' and in each of these 3 letters files there is a file with 
>the extension of '.pep' like a.fumigatus.pep. I want to get these 
>'.pep' files from the 3 letter named files. If you help me I will be 
>very glad. Thanks you in advance.

Do a cwd() starting one level above (that is, pub/kegg/genomes); 
using ftp.dir() you can get the subdirectories, then iterate over all 
of them, using another dir() to find the .pep files needed.

>directory = 'pub/kegg/genomes/ afm'

Is that whitespace intentional?

(If you just want to download the files and don't need really a 
Python script, try wget...)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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