What do you want in a new web framework?

hardemr emrahayanoglu at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 11:18:29 EDT 2006

Hello Everyone,

I've just read all of the answers. Most of yours said that there are
many web frameworks ,so it is nonsense to make a new web framework in

Now I'm using and testing all of the frameworks in python also asp.net,
jsp and java servlet, perl web frameworks and  ruby on rails. Some of
them have good positive points like that asp.net have gridviews to show
data records,  ruby on rails have ajax support, etc...
The framework that i'll make, includes most of the positive points of
the other frameworks. Maybe, it's a mix of web frameworks.  I want to
use dojo toolkit for javascript in my framework, and make a gui
designer like Visual Studio and Sun Creator, etc...

After that, may be you'll change your mind. And i want to listen your
advices. Please feel free to say everything to me about framework. I'm
waiting your answers.

Best Regards,


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