hide python code !

Slawomir Nowaczyk slawomir.nowaczyk.847 at student.lu.se
Fri Aug 11 06:48:31 EDT 2006

On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 17:35:27 -0700
enigmadude <enigmadude at rock.com> wrote:

#> 2. I've never done this, but you might be able to encrypt or otherwise
#> turn you modules into binary form, and then use a clever import
#> hook.

Please observe that whatever the "clever import hook" is, it actually
needs to know the way to *decrypt* the module (secret key or
whatever). It means that if somebody decompiles the importing code, he
can just as well decompile the "hidden" one.

 Best wishes,
   Slawomir Nowaczyk
     ( Slawomir.Nowaczyk at cs.lth.se )

Children are natural mimics, who act like their parents despite
every effort to teach them good manners.

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