multiline comments

Jorge Godoy godoy at
Wed Apr 19 07:35:21 EDT 2006

Edward Elliott wrote:

> Typing (* and *) on a few line will always be quicker, easier, and less
> confusing than any rcs diffs/restores.  Once you delete the code you can
> no longer see it or add pieces back in without retrieving it from an
> external store.

Try using Subversion.  You can work and make diffs disconnected from the
network.  You can't, of course, commit / update but you can work with it
and have what you need to compare original code (i.e. the one from the last
commit) to new code and go back to original code if needed.

> I'm not saying nested comments solve every problem, just that 
> there exists a certain (perhaps small) class of problems they solve
> particularly well.

I don't miss them.  :-)

> Personally, I rarely leave code commented out beyond a single coding
> session.  But my particular coding habits aren't relevant here.

Well, I believe they are since it looks like a habit of yours to use
multiline comments.  It is common for people coming from other programming
languages that support them.

Jorge Godoy      <godoy at>

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

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