Zope 3

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Apr 26 03:51:03 EDT 2006

Derick van Niekerk wrote:

> Anyway - If some of you can give me a little insight to what you use to
> develop on the web using Python, I'd appreciate it. I've heard good
> things about cherrypy, django, mod_python, zope, etc., etc. There is
> just so little time - I'd gladly sacrifice a little power / flexibility
> for an easier learning curve.

working through the Django tutorial shouldn't take you more than
an hour or two (*):


turbogears also have some good tutorials:



*) depending on how much time you need to get things set up.  if you
just want to tinker, and are using windows, you can easily do it in 5-15
minutes: http://effbot.org/zone/django.htm#installing

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