running IDLE from another program?

John Salerno johnjsal at
Sat Apr 1 00:43:00 EST 2006

Kent Johnson wrote:
> John Salerno wrote:
>> Kent Johnson wrote:
>>> You probably don't need to do that. Just run the file in python 
>>> directly. I don't know UE, but when you configure an external tool, tell 
>>> it to run python.exe and pass the current file as a command line parameter.
>> I've tried a lot of combinations for the command line to execute, but 
>> nothing is working. What format should it be in? Should it look like this:
>> C:\Python24\python.exe module   ?
> C:\Python24\python.exe D:\full\path\to\
> There is a post on the UltraEdit forum from JohnJSal, is that not you? 
> Whoever it is got this working...
> Kent

Yes, that's me. :) But all that that post accomplished was getting me to 
run the file itself, as if I had double-clicked on it. This isn't what I 
want. I want it to run in a 'debug' type of environment like IDLE so I 
can see any error messages.

I tried your suggestion and seems to half-way work. But it doesn't open 
the program in a different environment (such as IDLE), it just opens the 
output in a new text window in UE. Here's the output:

['qIQNlQSLi', 'eOEKiVEYj', 'aZADnMCZq', 'bZUTkLYNg', 'uCNDeHSBj', 
'kOIXdKBFh', 'dXJVlGZVm', 'gZAGiLQZx', 'vCJAsACFl', 'qKWGtIDCj']
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\Python24\myscripts\challenge\", line 15, in ?
EOFError: EOF when reading a line

The list is the output from the script. I don't know why the end of file 
error is raised though, because it wouldn't have been raised if I ran 
the file in IDLE. So something still isn't quite right.

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