Can't connect to SimpleXMLRPCServer. Help needed.

Jose Carlos Balderas Alberico josecarlos.balderas at
Wed Apr 12 07:04:48 EDT 2006

Up till now I've been setting up my server and client in the same machine,
using the "localhost" address for everything.
Once I've made it work, I need to move my client application to the computer
where it'll be run from, and for some reason, I get a socket.error: (111,
'connection refused').

The server is listening on port 8000. I've used the line

server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000), ....)
##register functions...

And the client does the following:

host = "XXXX:8000" (where XXXX is the server's IP address)
conn = xmlrpclib.connect(host)
data = conn.requestData() (requestData is a function previously registered
in the server)

I've made sure the server is listening on port 8000, since the netstat
command says it's listening on port 8000.
I've also pinged the server from the client and viceversa and I get an
answer. So they can see each other.

I've tried looking in google but couldn't find a solution to this problem.
Anyone can give me a hand on this?
Thank you very much.

Jose Carlos.
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