Creating an event loop

Michele Simionato michele.simionato at
Tue Apr 11 10:38:55 EDT 2006

Fabian Steiner wrote:
> Hello!
> I am currently wondering how to write something like an "event loop".
> For example, if I want to write a function that checks whether a file
> was added or removed in a directory I would think of a "while 1: ..."
> construct that checks the mtime of the directory. Is this the right way
> to achieve the exepected result or are there any better ways?

Well, if you feel like cheating, you could use the Tkinter mainloop:

import os
from Tkinter import Tk
root = None # invisible tk window

DELTA_T = 10000 # 10 seconds

def checkdir(path='.'):
    print os.listdir(path) # do whatever check you wish
    root.after(DELTA_T, checkdir)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = Tk()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

The advantage is that you can every easily schedule recurring and
non-recurring events.

        Michele Simionato

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