Python linear algebra module -- requesting comments on interface

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Fri Sep 9 17:00:46 EDT 2005

<barnesc at> wrote in message 
news:1126276194.43219c62ae995 at
> The module will be public domain.

Various lawyers have suggested that either you cannot do that (is US) or 
that you should not do that.  (You know the joke -- ask two lawyers and you 
get three opinions -- but all depends on your country of residence.)

A license lets you say "I wrote this, you cannot claim that you did" and 
"If you use this, you agree not to sue me".  PD apparently allow both theft 
and (legal) assault.  Somewhere on the python site is a reference to the 
'Academic License' which I believe says about this much (as does the Python 
license) and which is compatible with possible donation to PSF.

Terry J. Reedy

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