Getting tired with py2exe

Bugs dont at
Tue Sep 20 17:15:45 EDT 2005

Steve M wrote:
>  * Dual packaging mode:
>    * Single directory: build a directory containing an executable plus
> all
> the external binary modules (.dll, .pyd, .so) used by the program.
>    * Single file: build a single executable file, totally
> self-contained,
> which runs without any external dependency.

I've never used pyinstaller but even though it can create a single 
executable file, doesn't it still write files out to the filesystem to a 
  temp directory for actual execution?  Then cleans them up when the 
application quits?

Whereas py2exe can create an executable that NEVER writes any files out 
to the filesystem, they are loaded instead directly from the executable?

If so then that's a major difference and IMHO the py2exe method is superior.

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