Perl's documentation come of age

Robert Kern rkern at
Wed Sep 21 12:06:25 EDT 2005

Ed Hotchkiss wrote:
> I'm new to Python, not programming. I agree with the point regarding the
> interpreter. what is that? who uses that!?

I spend most of my work day at the interpreter. I don't write programs;
I write libraries which I control with the interpreter. It's a
fantastically useful and productive way to work.

> Why are most examples like
> that, rather than executed as .py files?

If all of the examples were .py files, then many of them would have to
have print statements sprinkled through them and a separate block to
show the output. For most of the examples, I'd rather see the input and
output interleaved so I know what corrseponds with what.

> Another problem that I have (which does get annoying after awhile), is
> not using foo and bar. Spam and Eggs sucks. It's not funny, although
> Monty Python does rock. Why not use silly+walks instead.

Is this really a significant problem for you?

Robert Kern
rkern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

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