Python reliability

Jp Calderone exarkun at
Sun Oct 9 23:12:00 EDT 2005

On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 12:18:42 +1000, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
>George Sakkis wrote:
>> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>>On Sun, 09 Oct 2005 23:00:04 +0300, Ville Voipio wrote:
>>>>I would need to make some high-reliability software
>>>>running on Linux in an embedded system. Performance
>>>>(or lack of it) is not an issue, reliability is.
>>>>The software should be running continously for
>>>>practically forever (at least a year without a reboot).
>>>>Is the Python interpreter (on Linux) stable and
>>>>leak-free enough to achieve this?
>>>If performance is really not such an issue, would it really matter if you
>>>periodically restarted Python? Starting Python takes a tiny amount of time:
>> You must have missed or misinterpreted the "The software should be
>> running continously for practically forever" part. The problem of
>> restarting python is not the 200 msec lost but putting at stake
>> reliability (e.g. for health monitoring devices, avionics, nuclear
>> reactor controllers, etc.) and robustness (e.g. a computation that
>> takes weeks of cpu time to complete is interrupted without the
>> possibility to restart from the point it stopped).
>Er, no, I didn't miss that at all. I did miss that it
>needed continual network connections. I don't know if
>there is a way around that issue, although mobile
>phones move in and out of network areas, swapping
>connections when and as needed.
>But as for reliability, well, tell that to Buzz Aldrin
>and Neil Armstrong. The Apollo 11 moon lander rebooted
>multiple times on the way down to the surface. It was
>designed to recover gracefully when rebooting unexpectedly:

This reminds me of crash-only software:

Which seems to have some merits.  I have yet to attempt to develop any large scale software explicitly using this technique (although I have worked on several systems that very loosely used this approach; eg, a server which divided tasks into two processes, with one restarting the other whenever it noticed it was gone), but as you point out, there's certainly precedent.


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