wxPython Licence vs GPL

Christophe chris.cavalaria at free.fr
Fri Nov 25 12:29:35 EST 2005

Ed Jensen a écrit :
>>Well, despite your protestations, I think the GPL and LGPL are fairly
>>easy and safe choices for a lot of developers who know enough about
>>Free Software (ie. haven't just seen the name and thought "that's the
>>thing for me"), know what the characteristics of those licences are,
>>and who don't have the time or legal experience to "performance due
> To be honest, I don't dislike the LGPL that much.  The static vs.
> dynamic linking issues bother me somewhat (which is why I like the
> modified LGPL used by wxWidgets), but all in all, I can live (albeit
> uncomfortably) with LGPL.  It seems much more sane.  Whereas including
> one line of GPL code into your 10,000,000,000 line project can have
> disasterous consequences (which I find ridiculous), at least with LGPL
> you're only asked to share the changes you've made to that particular
> library.

If you don't like the GPL, then by all means, *do not use GPL code !*

Please, I mean, when you use without authorisation some code in your 
project, you are in trouble, no matter what licence the code was using.

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