wxPython Licence vs GPL

John Perks and Sarah Mount johnandsarah at estragon.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Nov 22 16:08:31 EST 2005

> IIRC, wxPython license has nothing to do with GPL. Its license is far
> "free" than GPL is. If you want to create commercial apps with
wxPython, you
> can do it without messing with licenses.

This isn't a commercial app though, it's for a research project and
apparently it's a requirement that we have to GPL it. It's a question of
what we need to add to our code to ensure that those fragments of
someone else's wxPython-licenced code in our GPL'ed app to ensure that
no license is transgressed, copyright violated or unatttributed or
anyone having grounds to feel hard done by.

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