3d Transformation

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at rogers.com
Tue Nov 29 20:51:37 EST 2005

Tyler Eaves wrote:

>Got a 3d algorithmns question. Algorithmn will be implemented in python,  
>so a library would be great if it works on windows. Basically my function  
>would be defined as such.
>Problem is one of coordinate transformation. Give a 3d vector, which  
>reprents the +z axis in the source coordinate system, and a rotation value  
>around that axis for determinging the x and y axises, I wish to translate  
>a point from that geometry into "world" geometry, or in other words  
>absolute coordinates. Input data is a 3d path with banking data that will  
>be sampled at regular points for purposes of building other geometry.
You can find code for doing this in the OpenGLContext project.  The 
lowest-level code is in the vrml.vrml97.transformmatrix module, which 
just generates matrices for the various transformations, rotations and 
scales.  You can find the module here:


the module also allows for generating inverse arrays (what you use for 
transforming from outer coordinates to inner, instead of inner to 
outer), and has an accelerator C module for much of the functionality.

The higher levels in OpenGLContext support compositing multiple 
transformations in a containment hierarchy for a scenegraph.  See e.g. 
OpenGLContext/scenegraph/transform and OpenGLContext/scenegraph/nodepath 
module for that higher-level stuff.

Anyway, hope this helps,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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