Function parameter passing problem

Eduardo Biano edbiano at
Tue May 17 05:16:56 EDT 2005


I am new to python and tried to pass parameters
between one function to another. I tried two
approaches in doing this but failed. 

The first is, I tried to assign a variable in foo1()
inside an HTML <INPUT hidden> tag so that I can
retreive it in foo2() using (get_form_var()). But
failed using my limited python knowledge. The sample
def foo1(request, result)
    Id_No, FirstName, LastName = result
    <INPUT NAME="id"  TYPE="hidden" VALUE="Id No">
   # I would like to assign Id_No variable to id.

    <INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="submit" VALUE="SUBMIT">

The second is, I tried using "return Id_No" statement 
 foo2() function using a return statement below the
</HTML> tag. I tried this option but unfortunately
when I hit the SUBMIT button it only displayed the
variable and got stucked and didn't continue to the
called <FORM action=foo2> foo2().

I also have a problem with my user defined function
foo2() which I created at first with one parameter to
accept the variable of foo1(). But when I added
another parameter to accomodate some more and executed
the code, an error message TypeError: foo2() takes
exactly 2 arguments (1 given). I thought I can put as
many parameters I could since this is user defined
function, am I correct in this? 

I have no more options to this problem, hope you will
help me . Thank you in advance.



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