__init__() not called automatically

Bruno Desthuilliers bdesth.quelquechose at free.quelquepart.fr
Thu May 26 16:38:12 EDT 2005

Roy Smith a écrit :
> bruno modulix  <onurb at xiludom.gro> wrote:
>>I've always explicitelly used the (implied) 'this' pseudo-pointer in
>>Java, C++ etc. The wart is in all those languages that don't makes it
>>mandatory IMHO !-)
> And the correlary wart in Python is that the first argument to a
> method is not required to be called "self".  

Well, I would not call this a wart. Because when it's a class method, 
naming the fisrt param 'cls' could seem more appropriate !-)

> The vast majority of
> people use "self", but every once in a great while you run into some
> yahoo who feels this is the right place to express his creativity and
> call it "this", or "obj", or some other obfuscation.

Then every python programmer in its own mind will throw away this code 
with mimics of disgust, and everything is fine.

More seriously, I prefer to have some bozo using this instead of self - 
which I can easily correct if needed - than having to deal with implicit 
this in a whole code base...

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