Python Documentation (should be better?)

John J. Lee jjl at
Fri May 13 16:57:06 EDT 2005

Ivan Van Laningham <ivanlan at> writes:

> Hi All--
> The Python docs are not ideal.  I can never remember, for instance,
> where to find string methods (not methods in the string module, but
> methods with ''), but I can remember a tortured path to get me there

The answer to 80% of "where is it" questions re the Python docs is
"Section 2 of the Library Reference".

The other 15% include __special__ methods (they're almost all in the
Language Reference), miscellaneous functions that aren't in the module
you might expect, and questions about language semantics (which can
sometimes be hard or impossible to answer by reading the docs,
because, when they're documented at all, they're sometimes in some
collection of PEPs, articles and mailing list posts).

The last 5% are PEBKAC.


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