Trusted python

rmm at rmm at
Fri May 13 06:52:54 EDT 2005

Here's a first attempt at trusted python.  I would be grateful if any
python gurus could point out the, no doubt obvious, flaws.
I've stopped fileobject working with patches to fileobject and
frameobject.  All child frames of the first 'trusted' frame are trusted
(checked using inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe()).  Trusted
is a one-way switch.

Is there anything I'm missing about the python frame structure?
Is there any way of circumventing __getattribute__/__setattr__ ?
Is there any way of getting to builtins once the imported __builtin__
methods are replaced?


Ronnie Mackay

------------------Use example------------------------
import trusted
import inspect


                          [<list allowable modules>])

<...Attacks here...>

--------------- ---------------
import __builtin__

class TrustedException(Exception): pass
class TrustedImportException(Exception): pass

class Trusted(object):

   def __init__(self, in_main_frame, in_exclude_builtins, in_modules):
      in_main_frame.trusted()   # **NOTE C PATCH. REMOVE THIS TO RUN
      object.__setattr__(self, '_m', in_modules)
      object.__setattr__(self, '_import', __builtin__.__import__)
      for l_builtin in

   def error(self, *args):
      raise TrustedException

   def trusted_import(self, in_name, in_globals=None, in_locals=None,
      l_globals=in_globals or globals()
      l_locals=in_locals or locals()
      l_as=in_as or []
      if in_name in object.__getattribute__(self, '_m'):
         return object.__getattribute__(self, '_import')(in_name,
l_globals, l_locals, l_as)
         raise TrustedImportException(in_name)

   def __setattr__(self, name, value):
      raise TrustedException

   def __getattribute__(self, name):
      if name != 'trusted_import':
         raise TrustedException
      return object.__getattribute__(self, name)

---------------- attempts to open a file -------------------
NOTE: These can't be reproduced without patching python

Test :open('/dev/null') in the main module
Result :file() constructor not accessible in trusted mode

Test : within an imported module, open('/dev/null')
Result :file() constructor not accessible in trusted mode

Test :exec "open('/dev/null')"
Result :file() constructor not accessible in trusted mode

Test :get file from base types
Result :file() constructor not accessible in trusted mode

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