Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

Robert Kern rkern at
Sat May 28 10:51:06 EDT 2005

poisondart wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure if this is the right group to post this. If not, then I
> would appreciate if somebody could point me to the correct group.
> This is my first time releasing software to the public and I'm wanting
> to release a Python program I wrote for review (and critique) and
> testing on other platforms, but also I would like to explore the
> different software licenses that are available (there seems to be
> many). Since the specification for the programs is knowledge-centric
> (related to linguistics), I need a group of people that are
> knowledgeable in this area. Is there a place where I can advertise to
> look for people who are knowledgeable in Python and linguistics?

The NLTK mailing list might be a good place.

> Ultimately I desire two things from the license (but not limited to):
> - being able to distribute it freely, anybody can modify it
> - nobody is allowed to make profit from my code (other than myself)

Well, this is vague. Do you want no one else to *distribute* your code 
or derivatives thereof for profit? or do you want no one else to be able 
to *use* the code for profit-making activities?

Either way, it's kind of rude and unproductive to ask people to spend 
their unpaid time to review, critique, and test your code when only you 
can make a profit from it. I highly recommend looking at the GPL. Many 
of the people whom you may want to not distribute your code for profit 
will probably be reluctant to use GPLed code. As a bonus, if they do, 
they will have to contribute their changes back to the community under 
the GPL, too, so you can incorporate them into your own code base.

Robert Kern
rkern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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