Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

Peter Hansen peter at
Thu May 19 09:45:39 EDT 2005

Maurice LING wrote:
> It makes big difference (legally) to if the codes are there and someone 
> sees it, to if the codes are locked in some packaged or zipped form and 
> someone reverse-engineer it. It is legally as different as if you drop 
> money on the ground and I pick it up, to pick-pocketing you and take the 
> money.
> Nobody seems to be able to understand this simple logic.

So you're saying that reverse engineering Java bytecode is illegal, 
while doing the same with Python bytecode is not?  Or something like 
that?  (And you're a lawyer, right?  Because if you're not, and you're 
not citing your sources, why is it we should put any value in these 
comments about what is (legally) true?)


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