Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

Maurice LING mauriceling at
Thu May 19 08:19:33 EDT 2005

>> You can
>>see Python going down the sewer pipes, right on their faces.  Two,
>>security.  "This python sounds pretty interesting.  Tell me about the
>>security.  How can we prevent people from stealing our source code,
>>which we just spent millions developing?  ...  Hmm, trust the developers
>>out there not to peek?  Oh, sure, let's use it."  
> Just like Java, which is so easy to reverse-engineer...
It makes big difference (legally) to if the codes are there and someone 
sees it, to if the codes are locked in some packaged or zipped form and 
someone reverse-engineer it. It is legally as different as if you drop 
money on the ground and I pick it up, to pick-pocketing you and take the 

Nobody seems to be able to understand this simple logic.

Yes, Java class files can be reverse-engineered quite easily but the act 
of doing that is criminal, unless performed under specified Council 
Directives (in EU) or under any statutory law in specific countries. But 
the act of looking at the codes if it is there is not criminal, just 
like reading a book in bookstore. If anyone can program in binary today, 
no codes will be safe with them anyway...


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