HELP Printing with wxPython

Tim G tim.golden at
Wed May 11 09:12:01 EDT 2005

> Hello all, I'm trying hard to make possible to print some simple text
> python to the default printer using wxPython, after days of internet
> searches I found this page: but
> is impossible to use this script even if I do exactly as said there.
I think
> the script is buggy or I am not able to use it, even if seems very
simple to
> use...
> Anyone can give me an hint on how to easily and simply print some
text? Is
> there a library ready to download and use? Something like
> text\n")?

On the strict wxPython front, I can't help
you, but I might be able to offer some help.
Depends a little bit on how much you're tied
to wxPython and how much you need to be cross-platform.

Essentially, if you're on Windows (and have no need
to run on anything else) then consider some of the
solutions here:

If you're on Unix / whatever with no need to do
anything else, then I'm sure there are straightforward
ways to push stuff to a printer. (Something using lpr
he thinks, hoping someone with real knowledge can chip

If you *really* want to use wxPython for cross-platform
needs, or just because you think it's cleaner, then try
on the wxPython lists if you haven't already.


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