Problem combining python code and html

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Wed May 11 13:11:35 EDT 2005

Hansan wrote:

> I used the same code they use for making the two display functions and the
> same template for the html form. I even tried using the form template they
> use too, but it still dosnt work. I will now show how the functions and
> templates look like.
> The two display functions are:
> def Display(Content):
>     TemplateHandle = open(TemplateFile, "r")
>     TemplateInput =
>     TemplateHandle.close()
>     BadTemplateException = "There was a problem with the HTML template."
>     SubResult = re.subn("<!-- *** INSERT CONTENT HERE *** -->",
> Content,TemplateInput)

re.subn takes a regular expression, in which certain characters have
special meanings.  for example, in

    <!-- *** INSERT JWZ QUOTE HERE *** -->

"*" is reserved character, which means "repeat preceeding expression".

so "***" means repeating a repeated repeat, which makes very little
sense, which is why the RE engine complains.


>     SubResult = re.subn("<!-- *** INSERT CONTENT HERE *** -->",
> Content,TemplateInput)

    SubResult = TemplateInput.replace(
            "<!-- *** INSERT CONTENT HERE *** -->",

should work better.


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