Python becoming less Lisp-like

El Pitonero pitonero at
Tue Mar 15 12:25:51 EST 2005

Fernando wrote:
> The real problem with Python is ... Python is
> going the C++ way: piling feature upon feature, adding bells
> and whistles while ignoring or damaging its core design.

I totally agree.

Look at a recent thread "Compile time evaluation (aka eliminating
default argument hacks)"

where people coming from C++ or other typical programming languages
would do:

x = 1
def _build_used():
  y = x + 1
  return x, y
def f(_used = _build_used()):
  x, y = _used
  print x, y

instead of:

def f():
   global f
   def f(x=x, y=y):
     print x, y

It is easy to see that people have been molded into thinking one way
(declaration of functions, legacy from staticly typed languages),
instead of viewing code also as object that you can tweak.

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