
Anna M. anna-s at
Wed Jun 8 19:44:05 EDT 2005

Thank you so much
and so it goes . . .

from random import randint

def idxLargest(list, n):
    idxMx = 0

    for i in range(1, n, 1):

        if list[i] > list[idxMx]:
            idxMx = i

    return idxMx

def radixSort(data):
    sorting = [data]
    tmp = []

    for i in range(10):

    idx = idxLargest(data, len(data)
    max = data[idx]
    passes = len(max) + 1

    for i in range(1, passes + 1, 1):
        sorter = tmp

        for bucket in sorting:

            for next in bucket:
                nr = next%(10**i)
                radix = (nr/10**(i-1))

        sorting = sorter
    return sorting
n = 10
a = 0
b = 200
test = []
for i in range(n):

print test
test = radixsort(test)
print test

>Hi Anna !
>Please post your code, so we can take a look to see what is happening.
>See ya !
>Em Quarta 08 Junho 2005 23:36, Anna M. escreveu:
>> Hello, i am very new to this.  Only heard of python a week ago and have
>> never posted before anywhere.  But I am trying to rewrite a program that
>> made in C++ in Python, a radixSort I did as a school project.  I get a
>> Tabnanny Tokenizing Error that says Token Error: EOF in multi-line
>> statement.  I gather from the internet that it means I have a tab-error.
>> just can't seem to find it.  Is this something you can help me with?
>> I post my code here and you could look at it or is that a bit to much ;)
>> Many thanks,
>> Anna

Douglas Soares de Andrade - dsa at
UnilesteMG -
ICQ, MSN = 76277921, douglas at


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