XML + SOAP + Webservices

Johan Segernäs johan at sege.nu
Thu Jun 9 09:06:41 EDT 2005

On 2005-06-09 14:20 +0200 or thereabouts, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> a way to pass a server the necessary callback information. It basically 
> consists of the url to talk to. That by the way is no limitation of 

But of course, a little slip in my thoughts.

> Sooo - concluding remarks could be:
>   - soap and python - not so good
>   - if you can, use some other RPC to interface .NET - like IPython, or 
> win32, or even corba if you can.

Basically, don't write the implementation to talk to the SOAP/WDSL-services
in Python, find something else and this 'something else' produces an XML file
which I then parse with Python?

win32 isn't an option, we only have *nix-boxes around and we plan to stay
that way.

Very good answer btw, thanks alot.

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