anygui,anydb, any opinions?

Skip Montanaro skip at
Wed Jun 1 16:15:02 EDT 2005

    Thomas> The Python world lacks the phenomenally successful development
    Thomas> models enjoyed by the now ancient Turbo Pascal, Delphi and
    Thomas> <gasp> Visual Basic.
    Thomas>     AND
    Thomas> If the likes of Visual Basic can have it, then it becomes
    Thomas> really, *really* hard to convince the world that Python is a
    Thomas> serious, professional system.

Remember, in the open source community we all pretty much just scratch our
itches.  Given that for the most part nobody in the Python community has a
handle on any other Python person's paycheck, it's unlikely that enough of
the community can be convinced that a VB-like development environment would
be a "killer app" for Python and thus motivated to go produce one.
Apparently, most Python people feel productive enough without such a tool.


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