What license to choose for Python programs? (PSF License vs. GPL/LGPL)

Volker Grabsch volker_grabsch at v.notjusthosting.com
Mon Jul 25 05:15:21 EDT 2005


I noticed that many packages in the PyPI are using the PSF License.
Does this have a special reason? Is this the common "standard" license
for Python libraries?

I'm just asking because I'll release some bigger pieces of Python code 
to the Open Source Community. In my many projects before I just used
GPL or LGPL. This didn't have a special reason. They are just standard
OS licenses. I could also have used the BSD License, but I personally
like the GPL/LGPL more.

Of course I know that there are many, many other licenses out there.
I'm not interested in comparing them all for their slight differences.
I don't choose the license primarily for protecting my code. I want to
choose the license according to the most common/appropriate way of the

So if it is complicated to include an LGPL'ed Python library in the
Python standard libraries, I'd release it under PSF License. I'd like
to hear some opinions about that. What licenses do you use, and what's
your personal reason for doing so?

Also, a quick overview about the various licenses would be nice. Not
a legal comparison, but a list about what type of code/programs/libs
is usually released under which license.

Thanks for your help,


Volker Grabsch

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