a question

Nader Emami emami at knmi.nl
Wed Jan 19 11:16:32 EST 2005


I have a long command in Unix and I have to use os.system(cmd) 
statement. I do the following:

cmd = '%s/mos user wmarch, cd /fa/wm/%s/%s, mkdir %s, put %s, chmod 644 
%s' % (mosbin, jaar, filetype, filetype)
     status = os.system(cmd)

This is not very clear, and I have to break this long line in two 
segment by means of the next character '\' :
cmd = '%s/mos user wmarch, cd /fa/wm/%s/%s, mkdir %s, put %s, \
        chmod 644 %s' % (mosbin, jaar, filetype, filetype)

But in this case I get a syntax error! I don't know how I can solve this 
problem. Could somebody tell me about this?

With regards,


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