- E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Mon Feb 14 13:40:00 EST 2005

Pat wrote:
> Wow!  I must say, I'm less than impressed with the responses so far.  I
> know Ilias can give the impression that he is just trolling, but I can
> assure you he is not.  At least, not in this case.  ;-)
> So in an effort to make some headway, I'm going to try to summarize the
> current state of affairs.  The bottom line is that compiling C
> extension modules on the Windows platform for Python 2.4 is, today, a
> royal pain in the ass.  Period.  Here's why.
> The main challenge is that extensions must be compiled using the same
> runtime dll as that used by the Python interpreter itself.

Actually compiling extensions with mingw seems to work fine. Have you 
tried it?


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