PyQt and Python 2.4 - also WinXP LnF?

Eric Jardim ericjardim at
Wed Feb 23 13:14:53 EST 2005

Simon John - Feb 10, 11:51 am:
> I've just read the Qt4 GPL for Windows will only support gcc (and
> MinGW) anyway, not BCC or VisualC++ (or it's free equivalents), so it
> looks like it would be a daunting task to actually build PyQt....

Why? I think that it is fair. Why a Free Software developer should buy
VC++ licenses to build free Qt? It is nonsense. "gcc" works under
Windows, and that is enough.

> I guess a lot of this licensing crap will change when Qt4 GPL is
> actually released, but it's still looking like commercial Qt is the
> only "easy" way to go, and the Trolls are just making a "difficult"
> version to shut people up!

What is the matter with you? When Qt is released GPL for Windows, with
the support from Trolltech, if they do not  give you a ".exe" version
of Qt, then someone should compile it. There is no need to compile it
every time.

I think Trolltech is right. If can afford Windows and VisualStudio, you
can also afford Qt. Or maybe you are a "pirate".

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