[EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

Ilias Lazaridis ilias at lazaridis.com
Mon Feb 14 04:53:30 EST 2005

Miki Tebeka wrote:
> Hello Ilias,
>>d) Is it really neccessary that I dive into such adventures, to be able 
>>to do the most natural thing like: "developing python extensions with 
> Writing a setup.py and running 
>     python setup.py build_ext --compiler=mingw32
> works for me *without* any more work. Things can't get much simpler.

looks really simple.



the central problem still exists:

"** For a Python which was built with Cygwin, all should work without 
any of these following steps. **"


"the problem is that Python binary distributions for MS Windows do not 
include import libraries for popular gcc based tools: cygwin and mingw32"
source: http://www.zope.org/Members/als/tips/win32_mingw_modules


the solutions is possibly (copied from another answer):

"The Python Foundation could create an official sub-project to create an 
automated build target based on the MinGW toolchain. I am sure that many 
community members would be more than happy to contribute."



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