Tabs bad

Björn Lindström bkhl at
Tue Dec 6 02:05:41 EST 2005

Lee Harr <lee at> writes:

> I have never seen anyone suggest mixing tabs and spaces, and I
> have read a lot of tabs-vs-spaces flamewars in my time.
> Everyone agrees that mixing is bad. I might even go so far as to
> say that the only real problem is mixing. The question is, if we
> are trying to pick only one, which one causes fewer problems.

Actually using tabs for eight spaces and then filling out with spaces to
the correct indentation is the convention for Emacs Lisp. Of course,
since everyone coding Emacs Lisp does it with the same editor, it's no

Björn Lindström <bkhl at>
Student of computational linguistics, Uppsala University, Sweden

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