
Steven D'Aprano steve at
Thu Dec 15 18:10:20 EST 2005

On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 08:22:37 +0000, Steve Holden wrote:

> Hear, hear. However you describe it Python is what it is, and this 
> interminable discussion about its similarities with and differences from 
> various concepts (most lately call by name/call by value) doesn't much 
> aid understanding for the majority.
> The important question is not "what's that Python concept called in 
> other languages" but "do you understand how Python works".

Would you have a problem with me describing Python as an untyped
high-level assembly-language, and then working around the lack of JMP
using try...exempt?

Of course, I understand that it is no skin off your nose whether I write
bad code or not, but you might get mighty frustrated with my constant
questions on the news group "How do I write this piece of assembly code in


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