Which Python web framework is most like Ruby on Rails?

Alia Khouri alia_khouri at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 16 12:44:49 EST 2005

In http://subway.python-hosting.com/ticket/216 Peter Mere writes:

"Subway has a lot of ideas TurboGears lacks. Everything from the
@client ajax-in-python to CherryFlow. On technical merits, Subway
should eat TurboGears' dinner.

But we all know market outcomes are not based on technical merit.
They're based on marketing. And as an open-source marketing project,
TurboGears is eating Subway's dinner. And not just those low-fat subs,
either - they're pouring it on thick!

It is a truism that python is the language with more web app frameworks
than keywords. Of this LaoTse wrote, "Conquest is a method of union.
The smaller submits to the larger to obtain custom. The larger submits
to the smaller to obtain service. If both would endure, both must

So it's time to stop trumpeting subway as "the best framework", and by
uniting with TurboGears definitively create the best web app framework.
The combination of the two would become an unstoppable juggernaut of
python mindshare, and all the rest of the frameworks would either
componentize or be dismissed as toys.

If Subway does not unite, chaos will continue in python web app land,
and ruby will become ascendant. This is more than a critical issue -
don't dismiss it without understanding that doing so will have severe
repercussions for subway (and by a process of horsshoe nail extraction,
the whole world!)"

All I can say is HEAR HEAR!!!!


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