python image thumbnail generator?

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Sat Aug 27 23:09:43 EDT 2005

Chris Dewin wrote:

>Hi. I run a website for my band, and the other guys want an image gallery.
>I'm thinking it would be nice and easy, if we could just upload a jpg into
>a dir called "gallery/". When the client clicks the "gallery" link, a 
>cgi script could search the gallery/ dir, and create thumbnails of any
>jpeg images that don't already have a thumbnail associated with them. The
>script could then generate a page of clickable thumbnails.
>A few questions:
>(1) Can this be done with python? If so, what module do I need to look up?
PIL can certainly handle the functionality.

>(2) If it can't be done with python, is there some small utility that will
>do it for me? Something I could easily install locally in my own
>"public_html" dir on my website?
The core function looks something like this:

import Image # this is PIL

def getThumbnail( filename, size = (32,32) ):
    '''Get a thumbnail image of filename'''
    image =
    rx, ry = image.size[0]/float(size[0]), image.size[1]/float(size[1])
    if rx > ry:
        resize = int(size[0]), int(round(image.size[1]*(1.0/rx), 0))
        resize = int(round(image.size[0]*(1.0/ry), 0)), int(size[1])
    image = image.resize( resize, Image.BILINEAR )
    newimage = 'RGB', size, )
    x,y = image.size
        image, ((size[0]-x)/2, (size[1]-y)/2),
    return newimage

then you call filename, format ) to save the result.

>(3) Is this the sort of thing which, if done regularly, would hog far far
>too much of my webhosts system resources?
As long as you *only* generate images for sources that don't yet have 
(or are newer than) their thumbnail you should be fine.

>(4) Am I talking about re inventing the wheel?
Probably.  ZPhotoSlides (a Zope product) provides thumnailing, 
slideshows and the like, probably closer to what you'd want for this 
kind of application.  You'll probably find other non-Zope versions as well.

Good luck,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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