Problems with kdecore...

Elke Hohls elke.hohls at
Fri Aug 26 07:44:56 EDT 2005

When I run my Application it crashes at the following part:

- [ code ] --------------------------------------------------------
from kdecore import KLibLoader, KLibFactory

def myApp (self):
	# ...

         offer = KTrader.self().query("text/html")
         # the offer can handle HTML - so try loading the library
         strOffer = offer[0].library().latin1()
         factory = KLibLoader().factory (strOffer)
         if  factory :
             args = QStringList()
             args.append("in shell")
             html = factory.create ( self, 'naaaame',
                                 "KParts::ReadOnlyPart", args )


.. I tried it with an without arguments - everytime it crashes by trying 
"factory.create" with the answer:
KCrash: Application '' crashing...

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