Art of Unit Testing

Michael Hoffman at mh391.invalid
Wed Aug 3 13:25:16 EDT 2005

Benjamin Niemann wrote:
> Christoph Zwerschke wrote:
>>Benjamin Niemann wrote:
>>>Some (many?) people don't like the unittest module, because it is not
>>>very pythonic - nothing to wonder as it has its root in the Java world.
>>>That's probably one of the reasons why there are other (more pythonic)
>>>unittesting frameworks for Python out there.
>>So I think it would have been better that "unittest" had been named
>>"PUnit" to make clear that it is a JUnit port and to allow a more
>>pythonic testing framework to be added to the Python's standard lib.
> It was called PyUnit before it was integrated into the stdlib. Dunno why it
> was renamed...

unittest describes exactly what it does.

pyunit says that it is in Python (duh), and that it has something to do 
with units, which could be a whole number of things.

I'm thankful that logging is called logging as well, rather than log4py.
Michael Hoffman

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