while c = f.read(1) [comment on news hosting]

Robert Kern rkern at ucsd.edu
Wed Aug 24 21:52:04 EDT 2005

Steve Holden wrote:

> Well you could do worse than use the gmane.comp.python.general newsgroup 
> if you want to use an NNTP newsreader. I recently left the ISP who had 
> provided me with news services for years, and I am very happy with the 
> gmane service (though heaven only knows why they chose to use a name 
> other than comp.lang.python for the group: perhaps they were only aware 
> of the list it gateways when they established the service).

Their service is *only* about gatewaying mailing lists to their NNTP
server. I'm certain they were aware of comp.lang.python and how it is
gatewayed to python-list, but they aren't a general USENET node and
don't get USENET feeds from other nodes. gmane.comp.python.general
articles come only from python-list. I imagine that it would be impolite
to name any of their newsgroups using one of the controlled Big Eight

But I agree that it is quite nice and is what I use to access
c.l.py/python-list so that I can use the same server both at home and at


Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

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