PyGTK vs. wxPython

steve.leach stevenaleach at
Mon Apr 25 13:19:16 EDT 2005

dcrespo wrote:
> Hi all...
> I think wxPython is much better than PyGTK. First of all, PyGTK needs
> the GTK runtime installed, whereas wxPython is entirely Python's

And depending on your platform, wxPython also requires GTK installed.

wxWindows is a wrapper for different GUI toolkits.  On Windows, it uses 
the native API.  On Linux, it tries to use GTK but fails to work most of 
the time.

wxPython would indeed be a better choice if your applications are only 
to run on a certain infamous legacy operating system from the
Pacific Northwest.  The PyGTK is a better choice if you are writing for 
Linux and want your application to also be able to run on windows. 
wxWindows is *extremely* buggy on Linux where it is just a poor wrapper 
for the GTK toolkit.  In my experience, most supposedly portable multi 
platform applications built around wxWindows which are supposed to run 
on Linux simply don't run at all.  Personally, I have no need to write 
for Windows [or any way to test such code].  I know that the GTK toolkit 
is available for Windows, and also now for OS X without the need for an 
X server.

Just my $0.02

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