base64 interoperability

Christopher J. Bottaro cjbottaro at
Fri Apr 8 17:17:33 EDT 2005

<posted & mailed>

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:
>> Python's base64 module encodes and decodes differently than PHP's.
> really?

Yeah, weird, huh?  Actually the problem is that Python puts newlines at
every 76th char.  How do I stop Python from doing that?  I just want
everyone on one line.

>> Python's docs says that it ahere's to RFC1521 (sept 1993), while PHP's
>> adheres
>> to RFC2045 (nov 1996).  Is there any Python module that uses the new
>> standard? Why is Python using the old standard anyways?
> have you checked this, or are you just assuming that RFC1521 and RFC2045
> contains different BASE64 definitions?

I was just assuming...=)

> (if you look at the standards, 
> you'll find
> that they're about MIME, not BASE64 itself.  as far as I know, BASE64
> hasn't changed a bit since it was first defined back in RFC1113).
> </F>

-- C

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