and, _by far_, the weirdest thing I've ever seen on my computer

syd syd.diamond at
Wed Apr 6 10:33:21 EDT 2005

Ok yall, here's my summary.  Thanks again for all the help.

Most importantly, upgrading to gnuplot-py 1.7 fixes this problem.

In gnuplot-py 1.6, this is the bottom line...

Does not fix:
Gnuplot.GnuplotOpts.prefer_fifo_data = 0

Gnuplot.GnuplotOpts.prefer_inline_data = 1

Fixes:  (placed between setting output and plot)
while 1:
  if os.path.isfile("myGraph.png"):

As for matplotlib, I checked it out.  Looks amazing!  I really, really
like what demos I tried.

HOWEVER, I could not find a good way to do smoothing.  I like the
gnuplot bezier smoothing.  This wouldn't be the hardest thing in the
world to code, but I was a little disappointed.  If yall have any
ideas, bring em on!  :)

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