Queue.Queue-like class without the busy-wait

Antoon Pardon apardon at forel.vub.ac.be
Fri Apr 1 02:50:21 EST 2005

Op 2005-03-31, pyguy2 at gmail.com schreef <pyguy2 at gmail.com>:
> Cool Code!
> One possible sticking point is that I  think select only works on
> network sockets on windows. This would make the code not crossplatforn.

As far as I understand, what I did with pipes, can be done just as
fine with network sockets. If someone want to rewrite the code
to do so and make the code more crossplatform, I'll happily
incorperate it. I'm just not familiar enough with sockets to do
it myself.

Antoon Pardon

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