Queue.Queue-like class without the busy-wait

Nick Craig-Wood nick at craig-wood.com
Mon Apr 4 07:30:02 EDT 2005

pyguy2 at gmail.com <pyguy2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Thinking about cross-platform issues. I found this, from the venerable
>  Tim Peters to be enlightening for python's choice of design:
>  "It's possible to build a better Queue implementation that runs only on
>  POSIX systems, or only on Windows systems, or only on one of a dozen
>  other less-popular target platforms.  The current implementation works
>  fine on all of them, although is suboptimal compared to what could be
>  done in platform-specific Queue implementations. "
>  Here is a link:
>  http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/messages/011f680b2dac320c,a03b161980b81d89,1162a30e96ae330a,0db1e52548493843,6b8d593c84ad4fd4,b6293a53f98252ce,82cddc89805b4b56,81c7289cc4cb4441,0906b24cc1534844,3ff6629391074ed4?thread_id=55b80d05e9d54705&mode=thread&noheader=1&q=queue+timeout+python#doc_011f680b2dac320c

Interesting thread.

How about leaving the current threading alone, but adding a pthreads
module for those OSes which can use or emulate posix threads? Which is
windows and most unixes?

Nick Craig-Wood <nick at craig-wood.com> -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

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